As Christians we generally have a good idea of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And for the most part we can relay this message incredibly to an unbeliever, portraying the Love of Christ and Grace of God. But when it comes to ourselves this message just doesnt seem to hold as much weight. We understand were righteous in Gods eyes, but in what we call "Reality" we are living by the flesh. See we sometimes distort the Gospel to make it make sense to our lives. Because many christians struggle with the mindset that although in their christian lifes they are righteous but in there earthly lifes they are still sinners. They convinced themselves its okay because it is their flesh and flesh is bad and will pass away but there spirit is sanctified. But how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therin? ( Romans 6:2). See this questions perplexed Paul, because to him this mindset doesnt make any sense at all. It is literally impossible to Live in Sin if we are in Christ, its like trying to live in twon places at once. You may say well you dont understand I sin quite a bit, well brother or sister we all sin quite a bit, but that is not where we live or abide. Some people take many vacations, or trips to the movies, or out to eat, but that is not your home, its not where you live. For instance I am in college at this very moment in Colorado attending a wonderful bible college but this is not my Home; My home is in Florida and everytime I return my momma has freshly cleaned my room straightened it up and kept it nice and just the same as when I left.
Now by no means am I comparing sin to a vacation or attending A bible college however im trying to get my point across of the impossibility of living this double life of Righteous and Sinners at the same time. Reality is up to you, is this temporary world that will pass away and all that is in it, or is the eternal things which are unseen that created this world. For me the decision is easy i back it up with this scripture, 2 corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal. The truth then is this we have been set free from sin Amen and been made slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). Sin doesnt have dominion over me, because im not under the law, I AM UNDER GRACE (Romans 6:14). Satans greatest weapon against christians is lack of knowledge, he will fight and do his best to keep Christians attention on themselves as if they are not a new Creature in Christ. But thats why we renew our mind unto who we are in him, without him I am a Sinner but with him I am the righteous of Christ, as sinless, as sanctified and pure as Jesus Christ himself Amen.
People like to complicate things a bit when it comes to old man and new and flesh and spirit. But men of God once you have christ you have everything. We all sin and come short of the Glory of God, However sin the verb and sin the noun are two different matters. When we talk as sin the act then yes we still being imperfect and living in a corrupt world will sin but we do not live in it Amen I am not a sinner, just become im in a Garage doesnt make me a car and just because I sin doesnt make me a sinner nor do I Live in it amen. I look forward to sharing more of Romans with you as the Holy spirit Guides Amen. God bless you all and make Gods LOve abound in your life.
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