Sunday, April 24, 2011


                   What A great thing to Celebrate today, the resurrection of Jesus. It is very rare you will find someone who denies the existence of Jesus Christ, because he is simply a part of history even to non-believers. What people doubt are the two things that Christianity stands on, The Virgin Birth and The Resurrection. How awesome is it that millions of believers and non believers alike Honor and celebrate these two days known as Christmas and Easter. Today we celebrate his Resurrection, and the Lord has laid it upon my heart to edify us as a body of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

         As I looked over the four accounts in the Gospel of the Resurrection of Jesus it shocked me how skeptical the very men that walked with Jesus were of him raising from the dead. The account of Thomas is well known, but is the story of Thomas telling the others unless he see's he will not believe. Then Jesus appeared to him and he put his hand in Jesus' side and Jesus told him because you have seen you believe blessed are the ones who have not seen and beleieve. We refer to Thomas as "Doubting Thomas." But there were many other accounts of men doubting Jesus' resurrection. What about in Luke 24 the two men on the way to Emmaus, they spoke to God with such doubt proclaiming, But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel. They had no belief that he was risen, as far as they were concerned Jesus was a bust. But he came against them in verse 25-26, " O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: (26) Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? The next verse goes on to say that Jesus expounded on all the instances in the scriptures from moses and all the prophets that concerning himself. But even more amazing they still did not believe, walking with Jesus Himself listening to him quote scripture, it wasnt until he was with them and broke bread among them, it says And their eyes were opened.
        Also the account of Mary Magdalene. Jesus spoke to her and said, Woman why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She supposed he was a gardener and said, "Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. Mary accused Jesus of moving Rabboni which is Master. But his act was a miracle a man she believed was a starnger knew her name and immediately her eyes were opened that it was Jesus. We tend to overlook the doubt of the disciples who went back to fishing, they simply put there Bibles and crosses down and went back to a normal life. The believed that God was dead, and when Jesus appeared unto them he told them where to cast their nets and when they did they caught so many fish just like before and recognized that it was christ.
        It is an incredible display of doubt from some of the people that knew Jesus best. It is assumed that Jesus did not look the same when he appeared to them after his death as before his death. But I believe the main reason they did not recognize him was because their heart wasnt open to him being alive. Can you imagine seeing someone you watched die days after their death. You would just assume it was someone else that looked extremely similar because to you its not even a possibility because you watched them die. This is exactly how everyone who came in contact with Jesus after his Crucifixion felt. Despite every prophecy and all the scriptures and everything Jesus said they still doubted that he was alive.
          But the proof of Jesus' resurrection can be found in this incredible doubt. Because despite all of this doubt and even the soldiers being paid off to say he was taken, despite the fact that everyone had virtually given up and felt like all hope was gone They just as quickly as they doubted believed because of what they saw. These followers were just as skeptical as anyone because they saw him crucified but they also saw him Alive and Risen again AMEN. These men and women were set on fire getting thousands saved and preaching the Gospel to all nations. LAdies and gentleman you dont sell out to christ give up what you do pack up your home and just start walking and preaching the Gospel unless you believe in it 110% and whole heartedly. Despite their previous doubts and the rumors of the soldiers that the body was stolen from the tomb nothing could stop the belief of these men and women who went unto the upper room because THEY SAW. To deny that these followers saw somthing is as ridiculous as denying the air we breathe. As they say the proof is in the pudding, their unbelief was not wiped away with words from angels, or even scripture, or prophecy, but because OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD and these men and women witnessed it and there is no denying that Amen and have a blessed day.

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