Friday, April 22, 2011

Pleading Your Case

            An accusation is one of the quickest ways to test someones ability to focus soley on their identity in christ. Now that is a bold statement because even as christians we assume its always appropriate if someone wrongfully accuses us of a sinful act that we are to "correct" them. Im not saying their isnt a time to adress someone when led so by the Holy spirit, but we often dont even pray about the situation we come right out and bless them back. How many know this isnt displaying the Love of God? False accusation is wrong and evil, but as christians we dont come against evil with more evil we overcome it with Love. An incredible example is found in John chapter 8 of the woman caught in adultery. It is assumed by scholars this woman was taken from a brothel of some sort, When the woman was brought to Jesus it was brought to him as a trap to try and accuse him. Jesus could have pointed the finger right back at these people and Justified it with, "how many women a day commit adultery, if any of you have ever looked at a woman in lust you are guilty to, all of you are just as guilty I should stone you too, im the only one here without sin."
Instead in Love he said, "he without sin cast the first stone."
And when everyone was gone he looked at the woman and said, " Woman where are your accusers, does no one condemn you."
She responded, "None Lord."
Jesus lovingly, " Neither do I condemn you, Go and sin no more."
           Arent you glad that Jesus doesnt condemn you? This woman wasnt even wrongfully accused it was appropriate under law, but Jesus Christ did not condemn her Amen.

            Well today is a good Friday Praise God and we celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As I began to read John 19, the recording of the trial and crucifixion The Holy spirit Quickened to me Something Incredible. Jesus Stoof there in front of the multitude completely 100% sinless and wrongfully accused. Can you imagine being accussed for lying that you said you were someone who you truly were. Today if I were at an airport and TSA pulled me aside and said Look your going to Jail for Identity Fraud you say your name is Dalton Mixon, I would promptly plead, " Here is my liscense my social security Look me up I am who I say I am. " But that is not what Jesus Christ did because he wasnt Pleading his case, he was pleading ours. And he did it willingly and with the greatest Love you can Imagine. As I read on The Holy spirit showed me neither did God do it dragging his feet, when he did it he gave it his best. He very easily from all of his wounds could have passed out and been drug to the Cross, but it was his Honor with much determination and LOve to Drag that cross to the top of that Hill for you and I. God gave us His Best JESUS, and JESUS like his father gave us his best. There will never be another man as selfless and full of love.
              My MOM growing up always came against the world when the put pretty words on ugly things. Such as homosexuals being call, "GAYS," which we know also means happy. NOw the word crucify I believe has lost some of its meaning in the church, It was not a pretty thing that Jesus Went through. The accusation alone most of us couldnt stand, he was slapped, punched, spit on, thorns dug in his head, whipped, had flesh pulled out, nails through his feet and hands, and so much more. Jesus Does not want you to feel sorry for him today but rather rejoice in the Kind of love that he displayed in his Crucifixion. Because remember That Jesus wasnt pleading his case, he was pleading yours.
                          Praise God Today Amen. I LOVE YOU.

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