What A great thing to Celebrate today, the resurrection of Jesus. It is very rare you will find someone who denies the existence of Jesus Christ, because he is simply a part of history even to non-believers. What people doubt are the two things that Christianity stands on, The Virgin Birth and The Resurrection. How awesome is it that millions of believers and non believers alike Honor and celebrate these two days known as Christmas and Easter. Today we celebrate his Resurrection, and the Lord has laid it upon my heart to edify us as a body of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
As I looked over the four accounts in the Gospel of the Resurrection of Jesus it shocked me how skeptical the very men that walked with Jesus were of him raising from the dead. The account of Thomas is well known, but is the story of Thomas telling the others unless he see's he will not believe. Then Jesus appeared to him and he put his hand in Jesus' side and Jesus told him because you have seen you believe blessed are the ones who have not seen and beleieve. We refer to Thomas as "Doubting Thomas." But there were many other accounts of men doubting Jesus' resurrection. What about in Luke 24 the two men on the way to Emmaus, they spoke to God with such doubt proclaiming, But we trusted that it had been he which should have redeemed Israel. They had no belief that he was risen, as far as they were concerned Jesus was a bust. But he came against them in verse 25-26, " O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: (26) Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? The next verse goes on to say that Jesus expounded on all the instances in the scriptures from moses and all the prophets that concerning himself. But even more amazing they still did not believe, walking with Jesus Himself listening to him quote scripture, it wasnt until he was with them and broke bread among them, it says And their eyes were opened.
Also the account of Mary Magdalene. Jesus spoke to her and said, Woman why weepest thou? Whom seekest thou? She supposed he was a gardener and said, "Sir, if thou have borne him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will take him away. Mary accused Jesus of moving Rabboni which is Master. But his act was a miracle a man she believed was a starnger knew her name and immediately her eyes were opened that it was Jesus. We tend to overlook the doubt of the disciples who went back to fishing, they simply put there Bibles and crosses down and went back to a normal life. The believed that God was dead, and when Jesus appeared unto them he told them where to cast their nets and when they did they caught so many fish just like before and recognized that it was christ.
It is an incredible display of doubt from some of the people that knew Jesus best. It is assumed that Jesus did not look the same when he appeared to them after his death as before his death. But I believe the main reason they did not recognize him was because their heart wasnt open to him being alive. Can you imagine seeing someone you watched die days after their death. You would just assume it was someone else that looked extremely similar because to you its not even a possibility because you watched them die. This is exactly how everyone who came in contact with Jesus after his Crucifixion felt. Despite every prophecy and all the scriptures and everything Jesus said they still doubted that he was alive.
But the proof of Jesus' resurrection can be found in this incredible doubt. Because despite all of this doubt and even the soldiers being paid off to say he was taken, despite the fact that everyone had virtually given up and felt like all hope was gone They just as quickly as they doubted believed because of what they saw. These followers were just as skeptical as anyone because they saw him crucified but they also saw him Alive and Risen again AMEN. These men and women were set on fire getting thousands saved and preaching the Gospel to all nations. LAdies and gentleman you dont sell out to christ give up what you do pack up your home and just start walking and preaching the Gospel unless you believe in it 110% and whole heartedly. Despite their previous doubts and the rumors of the soldiers that the body was stolen from the tomb nothing could stop the belief of these men and women who went unto the upper room because THEY SAW. To deny that these followers saw somthing is as ridiculous as denying the air we breathe. As they say the proof is in the pudding, their unbelief was not wiped away with words from angels, or even scripture, or prophecy, but because OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS RISEN FROM THE DEAD and these men and women witnessed it and there is no denying that Amen and have a blessed day.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Friday, April 22, 2011
Pleading Your Case
An accusation is one of the quickest ways to test someones ability to focus soley on their identity in christ. Now that is a bold statement because even as christians we assume its always appropriate if someone wrongfully accuses us of a sinful act that we are to "correct" them. Im not saying their isnt a time to adress someone when led so by the Holy spirit, but we often dont even pray about the situation we come right out and bless them back. How many know this isnt displaying the Love of God? False accusation is wrong and evil, but as christians we dont come against evil with more evil we overcome it with Love. An incredible example is found in John chapter 8 of the woman caught in adultery. It is assumed by scholars this woman was taken from a brothel of some sort, When the woman was brought to Jesus it was brought to him as a trap to try and accuse him. Jesus could have pointed the finger right back at these people and Justified it with, "how many women a day commit adultery, if any of you have ever looked at a woman in lust you are guilty to, all of you are just as guilty I should stone you too, im the only one here without sin."
Instead in Love he said, "he without sin cast the first stone."
And when everyone was gone he looked at the woman and said, " Woman where are your accusers, does no one condemn you."
She responded, "None Lord."
Jesus lovingly, " Neither do I condemn you, Go and sin no more."
Arent you glad that Jesus doesnt condemn you? This woman wasnt even wrongfully accused it was appropriate under law, but Jesus Christ did not condemn her Amen.
Well today is a good Friday Praise God and we celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As I began to read John 19, the recording of the trial and crucifixion The Holy spirit Quickened to me Something Incredible. Jesus Stoof there in front of the multitude completely 100% sinless and wrongfully accused. Can you imagine being accussed for lying that you said you were someone who you truly were. Today if I were at an airport and TSA pulled me aside and said Look your going to Jail for Identity Fraud you say your name is Dalton Mixon, I would promptly plead, " Here is my liscense my social security Look me up I am who I say I am. " But that is not what Jesus Christ did because he wasnt Pleading his case, he was pleading ours. And he did it willingly and with the greatest Love you can Imagine. As I read on The Holy spirit showed me neither did God do it dragging his feet, when he did it he gave it his best. He very easily from all of his wounds could have passed out and been drug to the Cross, but it was his Honor with much determination and LOve to Drag that cross to the top of that Hill for you and I. God gave us His Best JESUS, and JESUS like his father gave us his best. There will never be another man as selfless and full of love.
My MOM growing up always came against the world when the put pretty words on ugly things. Such as homosexuals being call, "GAYS," which we know also means happy. NOw the word crucify I believe has lost some of its meaning in the church, It was not a pretty thing that Jesus Went through. The accusation alone most of us couldnt stand, he was slapped, punched, spit on, thorns dug in his head, whipped, had flesh pulled out, nails through his feet and hands, and so much more. Jesus Does not want you to feel sorry for him today but rather rejoice in the Kind of love that he displayed in his Crucifixion. Because remember That Jesus wasnt pleading his case, he was pleading yours.
Praise God Today Amen. I LOVE YOU.
Instead in Love he said, "he without sin cast the first stone."
And when everyone was gone he looked at the woman and said, " Woman where are your accusers, does no one condemn you."
She responded, "None Lord."
Jesus lovingly, " Neither do I condemn you, Go and sin no more."
Arent you glad that Jesus doesnt condemn you? This woman wasnt even wrongfully accused it was appropriate under law, but Jesus Christ did not condemn her Amen.
Well today is a good Friday Praise God and we celebrate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. As I began to read John 19, the recording of the trial and crucifixion The Holy spirit Quickened to me Something Incredible. Jesus Stoof there in front of the multitude completely 100% sinless and wrongfully accused. Can you imagine being accussed for lying that you said you were someone who you truly were. Today if I were at an airport and TSA pulled me aside and said Look your going to Jail for Identity Fraud you say your name is Dalton Mixon, I would promptly plead, " Here is my liscense my social security Look me up I am who I say I am. " But that is not what Jesus Christ did because he wasnt Pleading his case, he was pleading ours. And he did it willingly and with the greatest Love you can Imagine. As I read on The Holy spirit showed me neither did God do it dragging his feet, when he did it he gave it his best. He very easily from all of his wounds could have passed out and been drug to the Cross, but it was his Honor with much determination and LOve to Drag that cross to the top of that Hill for you and I. God gave us His Best JESUS, and JESUS like his father gave us his best. There will never be another man as selfless and full of love.
My MOM growing up always came against the world when the put pretty words on ugly things. Such as homosexuals being call, "GAYS," which we know also means happy. NOw the word crucify I believe has lost some of its meaning in the church, It was not a pretty thing that Jesus Went through. The accusation alone most of us couldnt stand, he was slapped, punched, spit on, thorns dug in his head, whipped, had flesh pulled out, nails through his feet and hands, and so much more. Jesus Does not want you to feel sorry for him today but rather rejoice in the Kind of love that he displayed in his Crucifixion. Because remember That Jesus wasnt pleading his case, he was pleading yours.
Praise God Today Amen. I LOVE YOU.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
As Christians we generally have a good idea of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. And for the most part we can relay this message incredibly to an unbeliever, portraying the Love of Christ and Grace of God. But when it comes to ourselves this message just doesnt seem to hold as much weight. We understand were righteous in Gods eyes, but in what we call "Reality" we are living by the flesh. See we sometimes distort the Gospel to make it make sense to our lives. Because many christians struggle with the mindset that although in their christian lifes they are righteous but in there earthly lifes they are still sinners. They convinced themselves its okay because it is their flesh and flesh is bad and will pass away but there spirit is sanctified. But how shall we that are dead to sin live any longer therin? ( Romans 6:2). See this questions perplexed Paul, because to him this mindset doesnt make any sense at all. It is literally impossible to Live in Sin if we are in Christ, its like trying to live in twon places at once. You may say well you dont understand I sin quite a bit, well brother or sister we all sin quite a bit, but that is not where we live or abide. Some people take many vacations, or trips to the movies, or out to eat, but that is not your home, its not where you live. For instance I am in college at this very moment in Colorado attending a wonderful bible college but this is not my Home; My home is in Florida and everytime I return my momma has freshly cleaned my room straightened it up and kept it nice and just the same as when I left.
Now by no means am I comparing sin to a vacation or attending A bible college however im trying to get my point across of the impossibility of living this double life of Righteous and Sinners at the same time. Reality is up to you, is this temporary world that will pass away and all that is in it, or is the eternal things which are unseen that created this world. For me the decision is easy i back it up with this scripture, 2 corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal. The truth then is this we have been set free from sin Amen and been made slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). Sin doesnt have dominion over me, because im not under the law, I AM UNDER GRACE (Romans 6:14). Satans greatest weapon against christians is lack of knowledge, he will fight and do his best to keep Christians attention on themselves as if they are not a new Creature in Christ. But thats why we renew our mind unto who we are in him, without him I am a Sinner but with him I am the righteous of Christ, as sinless, as sanctified and pure as Jesus Christ himself Amen.
People like to complicate things a bit when it comes to old man and new and flesh and spirit. But men of God once you have christ you have everything. We all sin and come short of the Glory of God, However sin the verb and sin the noun are two different matters. When we talk as sin the act then yes we still being imperfect and living in a corrupt world will sin but we do not live in it Amen I am not a sinner, just become im in a Garage doesnt make me a car and just because I sin doesnt make me a sinner nor do I Live in it amen. I look forward to sharing more of Romans with you as the Holy spirit Guides Amen. God bless you all and make Gods LOve abound in your life.
Now by no means am I comparing sin to a vacation or attending A bible college however im trying to get my point across of the impossibility of living this double life of Righteous and Sinners at the same time. Reality is up to you, is this temporary world that will pass away and all that is in it, or is the eternal things which are unseen that created this world. For me the decision is easy i back it up with this scripture, 2 corinthians 4:18 While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen [are] temporal; but the things which are not seen [are] eternal. The truth then is this we have been set free from sin Amen and been made slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18). Sin doesnt have dominion over me, because im not under the law, I AM UNDER GRACE (Romans 6:14). Satans greatest weapon against christians is lack of knowledge, he will fight and do his best to keep Christians attention on themselves as if they are not a new Creature in Christ. But thats why we renew our mind unto who we are in him, without him I am a Sinner but with him I am the righteous of Christ, as sinless, as sanctified and pure as Jesus Christ himself Amen.
People like to complicate things a bit when it comes to old man and new and flesh and spirit. But men of God once you have christ you have everything. We all sin and come short of the Glory of God, However sin the verb and sin the noun are two different matters. When we talk as sin the act then yes we still being imperfect and living in a corrupt world will sin but we do not live in it Amen I am not a sinner, just become im in a Garage doesnt make me a car and just because I sin doesnt make me a sinner nor do I Live in it amen. I look forward to sharing more of Romans with you as the Holy spirit Guides Amen. God bless you all and make Gods LOve abound in your life.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
He is Our Everything
God Bless you this today, you righteous of christ.
John 15:9
As the Father Hath Loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my Love. (written in red amen)
What a powerful scripture, That scripture says so much to me and has blessed me, but it has blessed me even more what it doesn't say. There is absolutely no restrictions on Gods love, its not to the born again soley, its not to the righteous by works, not to the super duper Christians, it is to EVERYONE. Im here to tell you today I dont care who you are, what you have done, where you have been, the sins you commited, or the sins your going to commit, God Loves you Just as much as he loves Andrew Wommack, Joseph Prince, or any other well known Man of GOD. All Have sinned and come short of the Glory of God on their own efforts (Romans 3:23), but through christ the same Glory that God gave Jesus, HE has given to us (JOhn 17:22).
Loved ones, HE wants to be your everything today. Its very easy to get caught up in the things of this World but im done battling with it Im gonna abide in someone who has already overcame it (John 16:33). In Him I have peace, (John 16:33), To know that we abide in the Him and he in us (1 John 4:13) has eradicated any fear or lack of peace in my life, He is the way, the Truth, and the Life, and he abides in me. HE is not only taking Care of me, he is showing me the Way, and truth, and Life, Im not surviving Im thriving. And if he isnt already he wants to be your everything today as well. HE has provided peace, Joy, Love, Faith, Salvation, Prosperity, Wholeness and healing, gentleness, goodness, meekness and so much more.
How do we make God our everything? We simply allow him to be. Believe it or not it actually takes more effort to make God partially in control then to allow him to be in complete control. Its like your trying to get something youve already Got. God has given us a comforter called the Holy spirit that when accepted into our lifes will be everything we need here on this earth. John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. Jesus said in John 16:7 that it was expedient that he went away so the HOLY SPIRIT or COMFORTER will come. The Holy sprit will teach us ALL things and bring things to our remembrance PRAISE GOD (John 14:26). Saints, Jesus provided a paid vacation for us AMEN. Hes provided truth, teachings, giving us the ability to know things that havent happened yet, a prayer language, authority and so much more. If we just simply rely on him, accept the Holy spirit into our lives and allow him to be 100% our go to man for everything. Ill make you this Promise today when you rely on him for every matter you'll be above alright, you'll be prosperous, healthy, wise, full of Love, Peace, Joy and all the fruits that accompany the goodness of God.
I Pray for you today that if God isnt your everything in every matter that he will just bless you with the faith to let go and Let GOD be in control. All you have to do is listen to the Holy Spirit and be obedient.
If You Are not filled with the Holy spirit yet please send me an email at Livin4christ91@gmail.com i would love to talk with you and answer any questions you may have concerning the Holy spirit. Dont let anything hold you back from Recieving the Holy spirit and all that gifts it comes with.
John 15:9
As the Father Hath Loved Me, so have I loved you: continue ye in my Love. (written in red amen)
What a powerful scripture, That scripture says so much to me and has blessed me, but it has blessed me even more what it doesn't say. There is absolutely no restrictions on Gods love, its not to the born again soley, its not to the righteous by works, not to the super duper Christians, it is to EVERYONE. Im here to tell you today I dont care who you are, what you have done, where you have been, the sins you commited, or the sins your going to commit, God Loves you Just as much as he loves Andrew Wommack, Joseph Prince, or any other well known Man of GOD. All Have sinned and come short of the Glory of God on their own efforts (Romans 3:23), but through christ the same Glory that God gave Jesus, HE has given to us (JOhn 17:22).
Loved ones, HE wants to be your everything today. Its very easy to get caught up in the things of this World but im done battling with it Im gonna abide in someone who has already overcame it (John 16:33). In Him I have peace, (John 16:33), To know that we abide in the Him and he in us (1 John 4:13) has eradicated any fear or lack of peace in my life, He is the way, the Truth, and the Life, and he abides in me. HE is not only taking Care of me, he is showing me the Way, and truth, and Life, Im not surviving Im thriving. And if he isnt already he wants to be your everything today as well. HE has provided peace, Joy, Love, Faith, Salvation, Prosperity, Wholeness and healing, gentleness, goodness, meekness and so much more.
How do we make God our everything? We simply allow him to be. Believe it or not it actually takes more effort to make God partially in control then to allow him to be in complete control. Its like your trying to get something youve already Got. God has given us a comforter called the Holy spirit that when accepted into our lifes will be everything we need here on this earth. John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. Jesus said in John 16:7 that it was expedient that he went away so the HOLY SPIRIT or COMFORTER will come. The Holy sprit will teach us ALL things and bring things to our remembrance PRAISE GOD (John 14:26). Saints, Jesus provided a paid vacation for us AMEN. Hes provided truth, teachings, giving us the ability to know things that havent happened yet, a prayer language, authority and so much more. If we just simply rely on him, accept the Holy spirit into our lives and allow him to be 100% our go to man for everything. Ill make you this Promise today when you rely on him for every matter you'll be above alright, you'll be prosperous, healthy, wise, full of Love, Peace, Joy and all the fruits that accompany the goodness of God.
I Pray for you today that if God isnt your everything in every matter that he will just bless you with the faith to let go and Let GOD be in control. All you have to do is listen to the Holy Spirit and be obedient.
If You Are not filled with the Holy spirit yet please send me an email at Livin4christ91@gmail.com i would love to talk with you and answer any questions you may have concerning the Holy spirit. Dont let anything hold you back from Recieving the Holy spirit and all that gifts it comes with.
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