Do not allow YOUR earthly circumstances keep you from receiving from the Lord today, Remember its not about you its about HIM, taste and see the Lord is good today, yesterday, and forever AMEN!!!!.
18There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.
This verse has been on my heart for years. Its one I knew and could quote but I could never fully understand it. When I read this for a while I thought maybe it applied to marriage, that if you had doubts of your spouse it wasnt love because love cast fear out. Then i thought maybe if people feared anything they werent made perfect in Gods love, somehow they were hindering it with sin in there life. I played many scenarios in my head of what this verse might mean, so a light went off and i thought I know How bout I ask the Lord the man who inspired that verse maybe just maybe he will know.
He recently led me to the message Bible to help me understand it. Now i dont agree with everythig in the message bible because it was written by man, so obviously its not perfect in everything it says just as I am not perfect in everything I write but I belive its an awesome tool that if it Lines up with the original word of God and the Holy Spirit quickens you its an awesome tool in your understanding. Verse 17 and part of 18 say this
17-18God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we're free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ's. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear.
WOW if you didnt read this and get excited I want you to pray and ask the Lord to reveal it to you and read this again. My eyes were finally opened to the beauty of this verse. If the verse your reading doesnt display Gods incredible LOVE and Grace your probably not reading it right. This verse was never meant as a correction that if we fear then shape up get in line and start LOVING PERFECTLY. The two previous verses the end of verse 16 and beginning of 17 say this.
16...God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.
17Herein is our love made perfect,
There is only one perfect Love and that is GOD. When oil is poured in a cup then followed by water the oil and the water will never mix in fact if the water continues to flow into the cup the oil will eventually flow out of the cup and you will be left with nothing but a clean glass of water. God is our perfect Love. I love how it says our standing in the world is identical with Christ's. Gods our perfect Love for us and in him is no room for fear.
If your not getting excited let me explain it to you like this, ive never ever once worried that My earthly father would provide for me care for me and Love me. Because he is my dad and LOves me enough to provide care for me and wipe away any fear of monsters in my room. True story when i was only about five a local gang yelled at me and my mom while walking close to the street. MY dad took me drove around until he found this Gang in their convertable and did the Godly thing and told them if they ever said a word to us again he would kill them. Well there was probably 7 or 8 of them but they all apologized to me and I was never afraid cause i was with my dad and i knew everything was alright he wouldnt let nothing happen to me.
But how much more does our father which is in heaven LOVE US and will provide for us and protect us and wont let nothing happen to us. When you become born again God dwells in you and theres no place for fear. Any fear you may have today its as simple as this YOU have the perfected love of GOD inside and as your Daddy he wouldnt let anyting happen to one of his little ones dont focus on the earthly circumstances focus on his LOVE and i promise you cant go wrong cause he will never let you down.
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