1 John 3:1 (King James Version)
1 John 3
1Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.NOw this is incredible we are the sons or for you ladies Daughters of GOD. Its very easy to hear a statement like this and perceive it with a earthly mind and down play it. But this statement is better then you can even wrap your mind around. The kind of favor we have, a son is a heir a receiver of inheritance not based on his actions or works but simply because of his birthright. There is so much to be takin from this verse but i believe the Lord wants me to adress the topic of the simplicity of making an impact.
I think that it is so awesome to see people on fire for the Lord. Its so cool to see what the Lord can do in a person, set free, prosper, healed, Loved,Peace, Happiness, Joy and so much more. But satan I believe one of his greatest weapons is taking something that is a miracle and manipulating it and twisting it as an attack to come against that person. One of the most common things I see is condemnation or guilt for being a simple christian and not making a big enough impact in the world. This is such an evil Lie. Im here to tell you today that if you are my brother or sister in christ God is pleased with you beyond your understanding, because its not based on you its based on Jesus Christ, the best and most perfect example of a Christian. Satan uses a technique i like to call holding the carrot in front of the donkey. Because I can tell you Satan will never stop bringing condemnation no matter how many people you are reaching. In fact its my opinion the more you build your rerlationship with the Lord the harder satan brings condemnation of being less then what you should be. There has been times in my life where I was barely in the Word and condemned because I knew God had a calling on my life and I felt like I wasnt qualified, But God hasnt had anyone qualified working for him yet. And there has been times that i have spent hours in the word and still been condemned because i wasted hour of free time at the gym. You cant do anything to make God Love you more or make him love you less. And let me tell you this YOU CANT FAIL GOD. Your his Son and your inheritance isnt based on performance so how can you fail him.
1 John 3:9
9Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
Praise God I have a covenant with God almighty in which I am Born of God and cannot sin.
Another thing that people do is begin to compare themselves to other people. If I compare myself to Andrew wommack I am a Nobody but if Andrew compares himself to Jesus he is a Nobody you can never reach a place that your good enough or your works bless God. Our confidence isnt in ourselves but in GOd.
1 JOhn 3: 20-21
20For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things.
21Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God.
You dont have to be a preacher to 50,000 people, you simply have to be a light unto the world, with your life be a blessing at all times. Theres people Andrew Wommack and Joseph prince will never reach but you will. IF your a stay at home mom be a light at the store and especially be a light to your children.
1 JOhn 3:18 says
18My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.
You know what i believe this is saying is talk is cheap the world can seee right through you, words of Love are empty with out a heart a Love of God through you to back it up. You know once you know the Love of God its almost impossible to not be a light its to good not to Glow with Joy happiness peace. Youll see changes in your life, your relationships, finances, health, and much more and so will the world they will see your fruit which you bear. It doesnt matter if your a preacher or student or employee or homless It doesnt matter to God he will use you right where you are, you know a simple loving smile is starting to become shocking to the world, a simple phone call your in my prayers, a simple paying for someones lunch can bless someone more then you would ever know. And just because the person doesnt break down cry and tell you you changed their lives doesnt mean that you didnt plant a seed and make an impact. God abides in us, by the spirit which he hath given us ( 1 John 3:24), so where you go so does the Holy spirit. Lets make an impact and lets start with something as simple as LOVE.
This was really good and ministered to me.