Sunday, December 5, 2010

WOMEN, Gods Gift To Man

The world we live in today has perverted the image and purpose of a woman. I think our problem with young ladies being so eager to give themselves away and show there bodies off comes from a lack of knowing there value. Everyday Images through the TV, magazines, billboards, on the street, simply out in public, anywhere you look there is a woman in some way or form showing off her body partially clothed. I use to see images like this and think to myself my goodness how dare she what in the world is wrong with her, UNtil I got to thinking Dalton what IN the world is wrong with her? And instead of a spirit of judgement I starting seeing her as someones precious daughter, and even if she was fatherless on earth she Was Gods daughter and LOved just as much as me, she had been deceived into believing that that was her purpose. Today its completely okay to show most of your breast as long as all of it isnt exposed, and precious little girls are singing songs like, "I kissed a girl and I liked it." God bless these young ladies, young women have a desire for attention and seek to find someone who tells them just how beautiful they are, and thats just how God created them, but they twisted beauty into revealing as much as possible and kicking in mans sex drive. beauty is not just being desired sexually, that is a part of marriage between a husband and wife not between a woman and the world. Now I dont believe all girls have conformed to this lifestyle but God bless them I know its being thrown at them constantly and sadly enough most often they get the most attention. But let me make a Bold statement for you young ladies who feel like being a Godly young lady isnt working for you, Hold on dont be deceived by satan its often good to feel as though you dont fit in with the world, there is a young man out there looking for you and when he finds you he'll make you feel like the only woman in the world, and make you feel more desirable then any lustful man ever could. Women you are a gift from God specifically for man. Now this problem is not lustful men or loose women it is straight from Satan, and he uses man, but remember it not Hollywood or magazines it is Satan using these people as instruments, so dont start trying to find the source, cause I can tell you the source, Its from satan, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world (Ephesians 6:12).
            The importance of women is all throughout the bible. Women find out how important you are from your heavenly father and creator he made you, find out your value from him, he knows best. God first created Adam and gave him responsibilty to name all the creatures and tend to the garden and then in Genesis 2:18 God said, 18Now the Lord God said, It is not good (sufficient, satisfactory) that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper meet (suitable, adapted, complementary) for him[amp]. Do you think God just out of the blue said oh wow I'm missing something I need to create someone for the man? Absoluetely not God knew he would created this woman, However personally I believe that with Eve their, Adam wouldnt have been able to focus on his responsibilities with Eve there+959+66+5*, becuase God made Eve in such a way that immediately Adam desired Eve as a companion and partner in his life and loved her and desired to be with her, it was more sufficient to create her after the work was done.Becuase this chapter then goes on to say, 21And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam; and while he slept, He took one of his ribs or a part of his side and closed up the [place with] flesh.
    22And the rib or part of his side which the Lord God had taken from the man He built up and made into a woman, and He brought her to the man.

WOW I want you to truly take a second go back a meditate these two versus there is a lot of significance in these two scritpures. First of all God didnt create women from dust, he created man from the dust of the earth, but a woman he started from a man, and we see that God caused Adam to falll into a deep sleep, now God created the World in six days, if he wanted to he could have created a woman in a split second. But he didnt he took time on creating a woman, he created her so that she was absolutely perfectly and uniquely beautifully made. Because look at the word here God didnt jus create women it says that he built them. The song isnt to far off, God did spend a little more time on you women, God made you to be a beautiful creature for man. Now if God makes somehting Beautiful it was done right. I believe when Adam saw Eve he saw the picture of Beauty and got butterflies and extremely excited and thought to himself Wow God you outdid yourself this time. Because God hadnt just created a woman and a man in the flesh, but he had planted the desire and the needs and how they each perfectly complemented eachother inside them. There were things that Adam had that Eve needed and there was things that Eve had that Adam needed, she was there for a purpose she wasnt just given to Adam so Adam wouldnt be bored, Adam needed Eve as his lifely companion. The chapter then goes on to say 23Then Adam said, This [creature] is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of a man.
    24Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.(E)
Eve wasnt just created out of dust she was a part of Adam she was made of his bone and flesh, she was already a part of him. The next verse says that a man should leave his mother and father and CLEAVE to his wife. This word cleave is like saying to be glued to one another in a sense of loyalty and in affection. To leave you father and mother doesnt mean to run away, but to be married and Joined to your wife. After it describes the man and the woman in marriage it then goes on to say they shall become one flesh. A man and a woman become one flesh in marriage in sexual intercourse. The problem we see today is too many people have become one flesh with multiple people and completely confusing there spirit. See most poeple think the problem is in the actual action of Sex of a man entering a woman, but this isnt the problem, the problem is that God has created it so that this is a sacred treasure between a Husband and wife and when they give there gift God gave them to many people it is perverting the way God intended. Your spirit becomes confused and starts saying wait this isnt right, then Satan comes in with lies and tells you because of what you have done you are worthless now and you have nothing and you feel nothing but empty, so young ladies go deeper into sexual sin trying to find there place, when there place is with their husband in christ. Young men and women your answer is always Jesus christ the one who knew no sin, and becasme sin so that you may live righteously in him (2COR 5:21). And in jesus Christ you are complete ( COl 2:10) and a new creature (2COR 5:17). Jesus Christ Is LOve (1JOHN 4:8). Hebrews 8:12 says  For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and there iniquities will i remember no more. God isnt keeping a tally of all your wrongs. The only score God is keeping on you is That Jesus christ covered it all and through him you and I were made righteous and that is what the father see's. So dont you allow satan to come in and tell you that you messed up for good and ruined your life cause you already gave your gift away. Satan is such a liar, because he that believeth on him is not condemned (john 3:18). You are righteous through Jesus Christ their is no room for condemnation. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). And instead of focusing on all the wrong in your life and how to fix things, Focus on Jesus christ and the fact that nothing is even broken and how awesome it is that sin isnt imputed to you and he has seated you in heavenly places. David was a man after Gods own heart and he commited Adultery. The world isnt over if sexual sin has been in your life, in fact Glory to God its just begun cause your a new creature, a virgin in christ. God will use you in mighty ways. Dont focus on your sin cause thats where all your attention will be, were born into sin. But Jesus Christ set us free from it in Grace and now we have power and authority over this world and sin pulls no leverage with us we are dead to sin (romans 6:2). Now we walk around with the power and righteousness of Jesus Christ. It sounds almost to good to be true. Thats the Gospel.


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