Believe 100%
I absolutely love the body of christ if you are a born again beliver then welcome to my family. But out of complete love for the church I have noticed that they dont necessarily believe in what they hear 100%. Now i to have certain topics that I know are the truth but in the back of my mind when i put them into action Im thinking well if it works it works but i dont know. Its becasue My spirit knows its truth but my Soul (mind) is not yet renewed to it. That is why many times you can hear the pastor preach on Sunday, listen 110% and apply it best you can but when the situation arises you stumble. Why? Because faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God (romans 10:17), not the sunday preacher. Church on sundays should not be your source of nourishment they should be a bonus to your week already spent in the presence of God, whether at work or school or the gym, youve kept him number one in your life. This is why all to often the same people that get hyped up and Amen all through service on Sunday about healing immediately panic and run to the Doctor and everyone except for the only one who can heal them Jesus Christ. Now Im not self-righteous nor do i pretend to be but What is truth to me is truth and when I believe something i believe it. Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what [is] that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. I belive that simplicity is the way to Go when it comes to being a successful christian Jesus never taught on the 10 steps to healing he said lay your hands on the sick and they shall recover (mark 16:18), not ten ways to properly heal or that its only for the "super-christian" but more nike style, Just do it. So from now on when you hear something in church that your sprit agrees with and you find it to be the Gospel (the almost to good to be true news) then I challenge you to get in the word and recieve it for yourself because only then will it become truth to you that you can belive 100%
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