I was once asked by a young man to explain what I believed. I was taken back for a bit because it was so much I believed a lot I mean as Christians we have beliefs on healings, Grace, Authority, Sovereignty, and a lot more. I told him to meet me at my house the next day to explain. He showed up the next day and for an hour I proceeded to pour out my beliefs. That man received Jesus Christ that day praise God. I realized that it wasn’t beliefs that I needed to tell that young man it was the Gospel that would bless him. We find ourselves so often as Christian discussing believes and proper ways to appropriate things in our heart that we look over that the simple message of the Gospel is more then enough for a lifetime. But what is the Gospel how can we put it into perspective. Through this letter I hope to answer many of my own questions. I believe the power of a purpose or cause in Christ is a key element to living a life of fire. But before anything we must fall in love with Christ simply because of who he is not because our desire to be great. We have thrown around the term Gospel so often it becomes irrelevant to its true meaning and loses a little bit of its awesomness to our carnal thinking. The Gospel is not good advice the Gospel is so much more, its love its power, its grace, its passion, divinity, that creates such a drive in people they have given there lives to simply promote and proclaim it.
The majority of people that do not serve the lord do not choose to because of remorse or hatred or even atheism, its that the Gospel of Jesus Christ sounds to good to be true. They often talk about it in a condescending sarcastic tone because in there carnal thinking they can never see a man dying for people he knew would turn there backs on them. And the simplicity of Gods Grace and Forgiveness makes them skeptic. Brothers and sisters if you have the faith to except Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us? Then you have the faith to move mountains, Because to the Carnal the Gospel seems almost to good to be true.
And that’s what the Gospel means ALMOST to good to be true. Praise God for that almost Amen. The Gospel is this. Jesus Gods only begotten son born of a Virgin knowing know sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor 5:21.) Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes we were healed (1 peter 2:24). For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified. (Hebrews 10:14). And their sins and iniquites will he remember no more. (Hebrews 10:17). For by grace our we now saved through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is a gift of God (Ephesians 2:8). But now in christ Jesus ye who were far off are made nigh by the blood of christ. (Ephesians 2:13). Being made free from sin we have become servants of righteousness (Romans 6:18). Amen That’s the Gospel.
A man who rather then knowing Love was love, he took our tab paid our debt. Completely undeserving of any punishment suffered a death that no other man could endure. He carried his cross after being beaten to the top of the Hill not because of him but because of you. When the crowd shouted crucify he did not plead his case because he was pleading yours and mine. He bore our sins upon himself and by his stripes we are healed. And when he said it was finished our sins no longer stood in the way of our righteousness by Grace through faith. God hates sin and Loves us with complete agape love, the only perfect love.
Brothers and sisters as best as I could I have still yet done the Gospel an injustice. You see the Gospel is not a time, or place, or even an event. it’s the perfect time the perfect place the perfect event and so much more. The Best part about the Gospel is its not about you its about him but its for you. The Gospel is simply that apart from anything we can or have done we have inherited the kingdom of God and become joint heirs with christ without a single ounce of deservigness. We will reign with him for eternity, we will walk this earth prosperous, healed, in peace, love, Joy, spreading his Light wherever we go not because we love him but that he loved us and he has given us all we could ever need ask or think because he is our Abba Father, our daddy, and to us its all a gift. Brother that’s almost to good to be true, that’s Gospel.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Identifying With Christ
In a world with Population in the billions we see many types of lifestyles and beliefs. We see blacks, whites, atheist, Jews, Christians, Happy people, sad people, depressed, crippled, tall, short, Gay, straight, the list Goes on forever in fact somewhere in the billions. But our differences do not truly describe who we are, our identity is in who we chose to obey, whether sin unto death, or obedience unto righteousness. We our either sinners and lost or we are believers who have found a savior. The lost seek often to be different because they feel as though they cant relate to anything nor do they desire to. The want to be an individual with his or her own thing, as believers we only have one thing and that is Jesus Christ. God is a God of free will he will not control us, if he did, I believe we would still be hanging out in the Garden of Eden getting electrocuted anytime we reached for the fruit and no one would perish . Therefore God blessed us with uniqueness, I am an individual no one else is exactly like, no one talks exactly like me, or looks exactly like me, or thinks like me or has the same fingerprint as me. I respect myself as an individual with freedom of controlling my actions. But I do not relate or Identify with me, I am just a person and my purpose and cause and life on this earth and power is limited. Because its not me but rather Christ within. I Know that I can do all things Through Christ which strengthens me, not through my sins or good deeds but simply through him therefore I will identify myself with Him. Ive been made free from sin becoming a servant of righteousness. Amen I am more then a Conqueror. Not because I loved him but because He first Loved us, So much that he gave his only son. And he commendeth his Love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners christ died for us. Without him I am nothing my righteousness is as filthy rags but with him I have faith that can move mountains and power to see the lost saved and the sick healed. In him I am now a new creature and I am a Heir to the throne of the Kingdom of God not by my works or actions but by the free Gift through the Grace Of Jesus Christ Amen. I will rest in the goodness of my maker and will no longer identify with me and who I am or what Ive done or what I deserve, I will identify with The unmerited favor and Love and Grace of the Finished Work of Jesus Christ. No matter what you look like or think or no matter your actions whther you’ve lived a good life or bad one, none of it matters its not sin or no sin Its simply his Love and I don’t care to what corner or extreme you find yourself in everyone must come to the center and identify themselves in and through Christ, He is the only way. Amen
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